We will resume on Jan. 15th. We will continue in our series : “What is in the Bible?” Join us each Thursday after school until 5:pp pm for friendship and fun.
Kick Off meeting in Rock Hill on Monday, Jan. 5th, 6:55PM at First ARP Church All men are welcome Studying Philippians for first 5 weeks
Early Service 8:30 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Rev. Heiko Burklin
Faciliators: Kay Burklin, Lorie and Buddy Auten Meets upstairs in Christian Education Building
Class meets on Thursdays 6:00 until 7:00 in the Family Life Center Cost is $5 per session
Study of Moses Beginning Sept. 7th Look forward to seeing you there. Ladies Bible Study Fellowship, an in-depth, international Bible study that helps people know God and equips them to effectively serve the Church throughout the world, meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:00. In more than 1,000 classes in 38 countries, people of all ages, races and cultures participate in BSF, whether they are discovering…
On Wednesdays Neely’s Creekers gather for a time of corporate worship in the Fellowship Hall. Charles Spurgeon, a Christian leader and pastor, called the prayer meeting, “…the powerhouse of the church.” He said, “If the engine room is out of action then the whole mill will grind to a halt. We cannot expect blessing if we do not ask. It may seem a rather simple diagnosis but it may apply in some cases: Ye have not, because ye ask not (James 4:2).” You are invited…